The fastest cartoon news site in Iran

Weekly Note-6

Although the validity of a contest is related to the number of participating countries or number of the cartoonists of the contest but most is related to the names that they participate in it, to the holding of the contest, to the granting of the award, to the responsibility against its obligation, to its justice, its book, to the presence of its jury and to the holding of its final. Some contests after decades are not able to publishe their contest conditions in english or in website. They will be announced as the winner several repetitive works because they are alien with the internet and they are unaware from the reaction of the public. Credit of an artist is not related to his age, to the number of his works and his awards but, it is related to his character and his place among the common people or at least among his colleagues, to his responsibility against the society and to his special look ...                                                  

Rahim Baghal Asgari-Tabriz                                                                                                                           


Translate by:Saeideh Azizkhah                                                                                                                        






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