001: Abolfazi Mohatarami, Iran
002: Acacio Junior, Brazil
003: Ahmad Qaddura, Syria
004: Akbar Torabpour, Iran
005: Alexandro Gatto, Italy
006: Ali rastroo, Iran
007: Alok Kumar, India
008: Andrea Arroyo, USA
009: Antonio Peñalver, Spain
010: Antonio Tapia Muñoz, Peru
011: Aristides Hernández, Cuba
012: Arturo Rosas, Mexico
013: Ayat Naderi, Iran
014: Ballouhey, France
015: Behrang Jeddi, Iran
016: Behrooz Firoozi, Iran
017: Darío Castillejos, Mexico
018: Darko Drljevic, Montenegro
019: David Hafez, USA
020: David Pugliese, Argentina
021: David Vela, Spain
022: Dendy Heru Hardono, Indonesia
023: Didie Widiyanto, Indonesia
024: Dimitris Georgopalis, Greece
025: Edwin Perales, Peru
026: Ehsan Cheraghi, Iran
027: Elena Ospina, Colombia
028: Elham Khoshanjam, Iran
029: Esmaeil Babaei, Iran
030: Fan lintao, China
031: Farcasanu Sergiu Lucian, Romania
032: Fernando Hincaipe, Colombia
033: Gergely Bacsa, Bulgaria
034: George Tsardanidis, Greece
035: Gretta con ganas, Colombia
036: Grigoris Georgiou, Greece
037: Uilda Khalife, Iran
038: Hamed Mortazavi, Iran
039: Hassan Omidi, Iran
040: Hesam Pashael, Iran
043: Huang Xianbo, China
044: Husejin Hule Hanusic, Austria
045: Huseyin Cakmak, Cyprus
046: Iñaki y Frenchy, Spain
047: Hidelbrando Sucre, Panama
048: Ivan Lira, Venezuela
049: Jabar Saber, Iraq
050: Jalal Pirmarzabad, Iran
051: Jerez, Cuba
052: Jiaruijum, China
053: Jimmy, China
054: Jorge Grosso, Colombia
055: Jorge Rodriguez, Venezuela
056: Jose Adnael Silva, Brazil
057: Juan Gabriel Benavides, Chile
058: Kamran Sokhanpardaz, Turkey
059: Keti Radevska, Republic of North Macedonia
060: Li Jichuan, China
061: Liuqian, China
062: Mahboobe Padkel, Iran
063: María Teresa Arangoa, Spain
064: Mariam Avramescu, Romania
065: Mario Jose Oliveira, Portugal
066: Mark Winter, New Zealand
067: Martirena, Cuba
068: Michel Moro, Cuba
069: Mohammad Arezoo, Iran
070: Mohammadali Khalaji, Iran
071: Mustafa Kurmali, Turkey
072: Mykola Voloshyn, Ukraine
073: Nadim Amin, Colombia
074: Naji Benaji, Morocco
075: Neda Tanhaee Moghaddam, Iran
076: Noor Effanizah binti, Malaysia
077: Norberto Elder García, Argentina
078: Paul Eric Roca, Philippines
079: Pierre Hedrich, France
080: Plopetkankr, France
081: Predrag Srblijanin, Serbia
082: Raed Khalil, Belgium
084: Raúl Grisales Guaico, Colombia
085: Raúl Zuleta, Colombia
086: Ricardo Freitas, Brazil
087: Rodrigo J. Acevedo, Uruguay
088: Román Sika, Slovakia
089: Ronaldo, Brazil
090: Santiago Cornejo, Argentina
091: Sergey Dudchenko, Ukraine
092: Sokolov Sergey, Russia
093: Stella Peralta, Colombia
094: Tommy Thomdean, Indonesia
095: Tuna Ceylan, Turkey
096: Valeri Tarasenko, Russia
097: Vladimir Kazanevsky, Russia
098: Wesam Khalil, Egypt
099: Yaneli Escamroche, Cuba
100: Zhaleh Yoosefinezha, Iran
101: Zhivko Tenev, Bulgaria
102: Zhu Zizum, China
The LEA Festival is one of the most prominent literary events of Athens since 2008 and the only cultural event in Greece with the theme of Ibero-American literature. Since 2012, it has also been held on the islands of Lefkada and Crete, while from 2022 it will also take place in Chalkida.
This cultural event is organized every year by the non-profit organization LEA Festival-Intercultural Development, the Cervantes Institute of Athens, with the participation of the Embassies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, of Panama, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela and the Honorary Consulate General of Colombia in Athens.