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10th jubilee international Zagreb b exhibition of car caricature 2016

(further in text: Exhibit)

  1. All caricaturists (and those wishing to be one) on the planet Earth have the right to participate.
  2. Each participant may submit maximum of two caricatures
  3. All caricaturists must be made on either A4 or A3 paper size (but not smaller than A4 or bigger than A3)
  4. Caricatures must be submitted on paper as originals
  5. 5. Selection of caricatures that will be part of the exhibit will be done by officials appointed by the Organizer , HuNad.o.o. Zagreb

GRAND PRIX                               4000 E

1ST PRIZE                                     1000E

2ND PRIZE                                     800E

3RD PRIZE                                     500E

2 special acknowledgements     300E

All caricatures that will be submitted by 16th of September 2016 will be accepted for inclusion on the exhibition. You may send your work to the following address:


Srebrnjak 55

10 000 Zagreb


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