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International Cartoon Festival On Urban Environmental Management Shiraz / Iran 2024


The beautiful metropolis of Shiraz in Iran has been chosen as the environmental capital of Asia in 2024 by the Association of Asian Mayors.

We want to honor this honorable title

For this reason, we respectfully and proudly invite all cartoon artists of the world to participate in Shiraz International Environmental Management Cartoon Festival

Ahmad reza Sohrabi / festival secretary

Subjects :

* Urban pollution / waste management / urban green spaces and Shiraz gardens / transportation and traffic / water cycle management

* There is no limit on the number of artwork submissions

       * The work performance technique is free and according to personal preferences

* Artworks might be either black and white or colored

* The chosen work must not have won a festival or competition before

The size of the works should be A3 or A4*

* Participation form of the festival should be filled in and sent along with the artworks

     * Shiraz Municipality has the right to make use of the received works to print books, brochures, catalogs and city advertisements

* The original version of the artworks that are considered award winning according to the votes of the jury, must be sent to the festival secretariat before receiving the award

Submission deadline: November 10 th ,2024

* Participants might kindly send their artworks to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Awarding a commemorative plaque and 5 special prizes to 5 selected cartoonists

Awarding a commemorative plaque to the finalist cartoonists

* Secretary of the festival: Ahmad Reza Sohrabi

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