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The information about FIRST SELECTION on the 46th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2015 friends, cartoonists,
Thank you for your participation on the 46th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2015!
This year's edition, traditionally was marked with a huge number of participants: 203 entries of the cartoonists from 48 countries, with 671 original works!
As the numbers speak for themselves, the competition was extremely tough. But - we had the best help we could imagine - Alla & Chavdar GEORGIEVI, cartoonists from Bulgaria that made the first selection - 120 cartoonists / works - who will be presented in the catalog of the 46th World Gallery of Cartoons Skopje 2015.
The cartoonists / cartoons who enter the First Selection are already set on our web site:… ">A-K:… ">L-R:… ">S-Z: this point on, the international jury takes an action and it will decide for the awards envisaged by OSTEN. To remind you, this extraordinary people are the jury members:
1. Midhad Ajanovic AJAN, Sweden (Cartoonist, animation films maker and publicist)
2. Stane JAGODIC, Slovenia (Independent cartoonist, artists, editor and publicist)
3. Ass.Prof.Dr. M.Murat ERDOGAN, Turkey (Researcher, Director of EU Research Center)
4. Bernd POHLENZ, Germany (Cartoonist and Director of 'Toonpool')
5. Mice JANKULOVSKI, Macedonia (Cartoonist and representative of OSTEN)Congratulations to the cartoonists who enter the first selection and good luck with the further selection by the international jury.Thanks to the other cartoonists for their participation and please be aware that (as always) the names of all participating cartoonists will be listed in the Index of the participants in the catalog of the 46th World Gallery of Cartoons Skopje 2015.Stay in touch for updates ...Regards from Macedonia,Kornelija Koneska

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