Result Of The International Festival Of Aphorism And Caricature "Pijanec 2015"/ Macedonia
They held an official press conference for the media on the occasion of the International Festival of aphorism and caricature "Pijanec 2015" on "Look man," which this year is traditionally organized for the fourth time.With great pleasure we can highlight that the quality of this year's festival is a much higher level compared to last year, given the received caricatures and aphorisms in official competition section of the festival. A number of renowned artists from around the world, over 50 cartoons, 50 aforistichari peak Svetko reputation took part in the competition "Watch man" given the attractiveness of the subject that treats a universal humanistic dimension and freedom of expression of journalists.Therefore it was decided this year by the Committee on Culture of the Municipality of Delcevo competition to be released so early in the calendar year. Otherwise within the festival this year is planned to be realized through several program activities, despite the announcement of the competition and zhiriranjeto incoming caricatures and aphorisms will include the following activities: to realize the most successful exhibition of selected cartoons from the expert jury and municipality Delchevo, which despite Delcevo will be offered and the surrounding municipalities in the region to present the festival.Will be ready electronic publication of cartoons and received aphorisms and other promotional materials for Delchevo Municipality, which will be napreaveni efforts to be published in the printed edition. The main gala evening aphorisms given the satirical character and aforistichniot planned and past years traditionally be held in September for the public will be further informed. This broad range of main activities will be further accompanied by other content that will be realized currently. This year the announcement arrived over 200 cartoons and more than 1,000 aphorisms. Since the relevant committees was made zhiriranje and reward are offered the following authors of cartoons and aphorism:In the category CARTOONS:
1-Darko Drljevic (Darko Drljevikj)
2- Oleksy Kustovsky (Olexiy Kustovski)
3- Klaus Pitter (Klaus Peter)
1-Darko Drljevic
Oleksy Kustavesky /Ukraine
3-Klaus Pitter
1- Valentin Georgiev (Valentin Georgiev)
2- Miro Georgievski (Miro Georgievski)
3- Sasha Dimitrijevich (Sasha Dimitrijevich)
4- Luc Descheemaeker (Luke Deshemaeker)
5-Dado Kovachevich (Dado Kovacevic)
6-Tsocho Peev (Tsocho Peev)
7- Ismail Kar (Ismail Carr)
8-Mile Manchevski (Mile Manchevski)
9- Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Mikhail Zlatkovski)
10-Elena Ospina (Helena Ospina)
In the category aphorisms:Plaque:
1- Aleksandar Chotrich (Alexander Chotrich)
2-Vitomir Dolinski (Vitomir Dolinski)
3-Vladimir Dramichanin (Vladimir Dramichanin)
Vladica Milenkovich (Vladica Milenkovic)DEGREES:
1- Goran Radiosavljevic (Goran Radosavljevic)
2- Risto Filchevski (Risto Filchevski)
3- Jane Atanasov (Jane Atanasov)
4-Pavica Veljovic (Pavica Veljovich)
5-Miroslav Sredanovic (Miroslav Sredanovikj